About Me

Hi, I’m Shamika! I'm a mom of 2 young kids and I live in the Bergen-Lafayette neighborhood of Jersey City. I have a Bachelor’s degree in English and a Masters in Business Administration with a specialization in Project Management.

My business focuses on designing small spaces because I noticed the lack of focus in that area in the interior design industry. I personally knew so many people struggling to make their small homes function optimally and I had solutions. I decided to craft my business to cater to smaller homes — not just the aesthetic aspect, but also the function of small spaces. Many times in design, small spaces are overlooked because massive homes are glorified in the interior design space, but so many of us live in smaller homes and I firmly believe that we deserve to have homes that function beautifully, too!

My superpower is optimizing small spaces to maximize function while maintaining a cohesive aesthetic. I want the world to know that you can live small and still have a big life and big style and big joy.